Sunday 9 August 2015


Thinking of which business to go into should not be confusing. Dozens of people have made this decision in the past; some are smiling in fulfillment and satisfaction while some are taking the hot coffee of regret. The difference between these two sets is, one made her choice from her interest while the other made hers from other people’s interest, they saw their progress, they too took it as a norm.  

Success in business has a lot to do with energy. Not muscular energy but a continuous burning passion for what you do, the ability to want to go the extra mile without any external motivation. And nothing fuels this passion as interest. Interest is the singular launching pad that launched businesses into greatness.

Find your interest, hidden in your talents and gifting, it will ignite the genius in you and spark up the curiosity and pioneering spirit in you. Making money will become fun and easy. “Music was important. Football was the easy part”. Zinedine Zidane, the French Footballer.

He also found out the easy way, resigned his job, pursued and leveraged his interest. "He had an early interest in software and began programming computers at the age of thirteen" - Bill Gates- Biography and History-

This is a confirmation from a professor of psychology at Duke University, USA

"Our research shows that interest is important in the process of pursuing goals. It allows us to perform at high levels without wearing out," said Paul O'Keefe, who conducted the studies as a doctoral student in Duke University's Department of Psychology & Neuroscience, along with associate professor Lisa Linnenbrink-Garcia. -

"When human beings are granted what smith calls the "natural liberty" to pursue their own interest, where "All system of... restraint, therefore, being completely taken away, the harmony of these individual pursuits will, unintended by the actors, often produce social and economic good..."

So, don't be confused on which business or career to choose. Find out where your interest lies and IGNITE IT.